21st International Exhibition on Production Technologies. Woodworking. Furniture and сomponents. – Woodtech & MebelExpo Uzbekistan 2025

25 - 27 February 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

User Agreement

1. General Provisions

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to this website, as well as to second-level domain .uz websites (hereinafter referred to as the Website), and is designed to regulate the procedure and establish rules for using the Website and its functionality by individual users (hereinafter referred to as the Users or User).

The Website, its content and materials including information about scheduled events (timetables, announcements, etc.), constitute the property of Iteca Exhibitions LLC Foreign Enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the Organiser), TIN 204 884 031, address: 59 A Mustakillik Avenue, 100000 Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

This Agreement is designed to regulate relations between the Organiser and any User of the Website. In addition to this Agreement, the relations between the User and the Organiser may also be governed by other special documents posted in the relevant sections of the Website.

2. Status of Agreement

This Agreement is a public offer. The use of the Website by the User shall imply the User's accession to this Agreement, which involves contractual relations between the User and the Organiser under the terms and conditions hereof, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 367 and 370 of the Civil Code of Uzbekistan.

The User's registration with the Website shall be deemed as confirmation of the fact that the User has read and understood this Agreement and fully and unconditionally accepted the terms and conditions hereof. When using the Website, the User shall comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, regardless of whether he/she has registered with the Website.

The User shall bear in mind that the Organiser reserves the right to amend, add, or delete the terms and conditions of this Agreement, at any time, without notifying the User. Each amended version of the Agreement shall come into force from the time of its posting on the Website.

The use of the Website by the User means the User's acceptance of all amendments made in the Agreement. Should the User disagree with the amendments made, he/she shall immediately stop visiting the Website and stop using any services or materials provided on the Website.

The latest date of the Agreement update is indicated below herein. The User shall undertake to keep abreast of the updates in the terms and conditions hereof, in a timely and regular manner.

3. Subject of Agreemen

The subject of this Agreement shall be access to the information and materials posted on the Website, provided by the Organiser to the User, and utilization thereof by the User under the conditions stipulated hereby.

The access to the Website shall be provided on a free-of-charge basis, unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular service to be provided by the Organiser.

This Agreement shall cover all the services available and actually functioning on the Website, as well as any further modifications thereof or additional services.

The operation of the Website, use of the materials and services thereon shall be governed by all the applicable laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The issues that fail to be addressed by this Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

4. Website Materials

In the context of this Agreement, the Website materials shall mean protected intellectual property, including literary or musical works; graphics, texts, photographs; derivative, compiled, and other kinds of works; user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, computer programmes, databases; design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, general style, and position of the materials posted on the Website, and other intellectual property items, as well as information, data, documents, etc., in a separated and/or combined form posted on the Website.

5. Data Processing

The User is aware of and agrees to the Organiser's processing the User's personal data in order to provide the User with the Website services designed for visiting by the User the exhibitions and other events organised by the Organiser. The User's personal data processing shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Confidentiality Policy.

6. Rights and Obligations of Parties<

The Organiser shall have the right to:

Change the Website terms of use, as well as the content of the Website;

Refuse the User's registration, without justification;

Send informational messages and personalised messages related to the Organiser- activities to the User's e-mail address specified by the User when his/her registering with the Website;

Disclose the User's information, if such disclosure is required or permitted by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Perform other actions covered by this Agreement and the Confidentiality Policy and not forbidden by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The User shall have the right to:

Gain access to the Website upon compliance with the registration requirements;

Use all the services available on the Website;

Ask any questions related to the services and functionality of the Website by calling at 998 71 205 18 18 or by e-mailing to post@iteca.uz

Use the ite solely for those purposes, and in accordance with that procedure, stipulated hereby and permitted by applicable law of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The User shall agree and undertake to:

When registering with the Website, provide information that meets the requirements of reliability, relevance, and compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Upon the Organiser's request, provide additional information that is directly relevant to the services available on the Website.

When using the Website, respect the authors and other copyright holders property-, non-property, and other rights;

Not take any actions that tend to be deemed as disrupting the normal operation of the Website.

Avoid any actions that tend to result in breach of confidentiality of the information protected by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Update personal data provided during registration, in case of their change.

Update the personal data provided in the registration in case of their being changed.

The User is prohibited to:

Use any devices, programmes, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes for the purposes of access, purchasing, copying, or tracking the Website materials without the consent of the Organiser;

Disrupt proper functioning of the Website, servers, or networks used to provide access to the Website, or violate any requirements, procedures, policies, or rules of surfing such networks;

In every way, bypass the navigation structure of the Website to obtain or attempt to obtain information or materials by any means that are not specifically provided by the services of the Website;<

Effect unauthorised access to the functions of the Website, any other systems or networks related to such Website, or any services offered on the Website;

Disrupt the safety of authentication system on the Website or within any network related to the Website;

Imbed any parts of the Website into another website, or create a copy of the Website or any parts thereof;

Use the materials of the Website in any way, in whole or in part, distribute, duplicate, reproduce the materials without the prior permission in writing from the Organiser and / or other copyright holders of the aforesaid materials, with the exception of the data of informative nature or those intended for notifying third parties of the Organiser's activities, including the exhibitions or other events held by the Organiser.

7. Use of Website

The Website contains copyrighted materials, trademarks, and other materials protected by law, including but not limited to texts, photographs, video materials, and graphics images

The User shall be aware of his/her being personally liable for observing the confidentiality of his/her account information, including the password, as well as for all activities conducted on behalf of the Account User

The User shall immediately notify the Organiser of any unauthorised use of his/her account, loss of the password necessary for the User to access his/her account, or any other violation. The User shall agree that all actions performed on his behalf (using the User's account) are deemed as actions taken by this particular User and may entail liability for the User in case at the time of performing such actions the User fails to notify the Organiser of such unauthorised use of his/her account, loss of password, or any other violation.

8. Disclaimer

The User shall be aware that the materials posted on the Website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Website may use information provided by third parties, the accuracy of which does not fall within the responsibility of the Organiser. The Organiser, however, shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the Website materials are as accurate, complete, reliable, and relevant as possible. At the same time, the Organiser shall not have obligations as to make follow-up corrections or changes in the Website materials, or bear any related liability.

The Organiser shall not be responsible, or have direct or indirect obligations, or make any warranties to the User for completeness, accuracy, or relevance of the materials, nor shall he/she be held responsible for the consequences of their utilisation by the User. The Organiser shall also not be liable for any User's potential or resulting losses associated with the User's utilisation of the materials posted on the Website. Any losses that may be borne by the User as the result of intentional or unintentional violation of any provision hereof shall not be reimbursed by the Organiser.

In particular, the Organiser shall not be held responsible for:

any delays or failures in the course of the Website operation caused by force majeure, or due to malfunctions of telecommunications, computer, electrical, or other related systems;

proper operating the Website in case the User does not have the relevant equipment necessary for the Website operation;

accuracy of information provided by third parties, as well as for the User's visiting and using external resources, links to which may be found on the Website.

9. Breach of User Agreement Conditions

The Organiser shall have the right to terminate and (or) block the User's access to the Website without prior notice to the User in case of the User's violation of this Agreement or the Website terms of use included in contents of other documents, as well as in case of termination of the Website, or due to a technical problem and / or failure.

10. Supplementary Conditions

This Agreement shall enter into force for the User from the time of the User's accession hereto and remain in full force and effect for an indefinite period.

The Organiser shall be under no obligation to accept the User's counter proposals regarding the amendment of this Agreement.

Holding any of the provisions hereof to be invalid or null and void, for whatever reason, shall not entail invalidity or inapplicability of other provisions of the Agreement.

The Organiser shall reserve the right to change the Website design, its content, functionality, or technical features at any time without prior notice to the User. In case of the Agreement violation by any of the Users, inaction on the part of the Organiser shall not deprive the Organiser of the right to take appropriate follow-up actions to protect the Organiser's interests and exclusive rights to the Website materials protected under applicable law.

The User confirms that he/she has read, understood, and unconditionally agreed to all the clauses of this Agreement.